With Mother's Day only 22 days away it got me thinking about my journey to Motherhood and how many women out there have miscarried, had a rainbow baby, are trying for a child, who simply can't have children or women who simply choose not to have a baby.

I certainly didn't realise how much I wanted to be a mum
Of course being a mum isn't part of everyone's life plan, I certainly didn't realise how much I wanted to be one until it looked like it was never going to happen. My husband and I have had a total of 8 miscarriages. I mention my husband because sadly I think the men often get left out at such a difficult time. I remember everyone wishing me well and sending flowers and cards but not as much attention or support was given to my husband who was going through the same hurt, anxiety and despair that I was.
We now know the reason for our multiple miscarriages was malnutrition caused by my undiagnosed Coeliac Disease. The worst part of our journey was simple changes to my diet could have prevented so much heart ache. I now choose to share my story because I was surprised to learn just how common miscarriages are although seldom discussed. I went through a ton of emotions, anger, resentment, guilt, fear. I wish I knew it was a common occurrence, I wish I had known it wasn't something I had done wrong, I wish I knew of someone close by who I could have talked to. If you are currently in need of support you could reach out to your GP surgery or anonymously head over to The Miscarriage Association for advice and help, please don't suffer in silence.
You will be pleased to discover that we eventually went on to have two healthy sons and a daughter. Please don't give up hope.

Motherhood, even the consideration of becoming a mother, brings worry and challenges right from the very beginning.
There are many different forms of being a mum, whether that's being a God Mother, a Step Mother, a Foster Mother, a Grand Mother, a Mother in law. All as rewarding and all as deserving of a Thank You on the 22nd March.

This year I decided to design an alternative Mother's Day Collection for all those Mumma's out there who love their 'Fur Babies' and for one reason or another choose not to celebrate a traditional Mother's Day.
The collection is inspired by Daenerys Targaryen otherwise know as Mother of Dragons from the hit series Game of Thrones.
The collection includes personalised eco friendly, reusable, plastic free bags, click here to view this collection & treat a special lady this Mother's Day.
I hope you have a nice day however you decide to honour it and to those of you who are finding the journey to Motherhood a bumpy one please talk to someone if you are worried or at all anxious.
Much Love Dawn xx